First Quarter of the year has passed and the “Resolutions” are still intact. The Tae Bo DVD from 10 years ago is finally out of its cellophane; the exercise equipment from the ill advised late night infomercial has been dusted and used. Now it’s time to maintain, monitor and pray for results or they go back in the closet before life begins to get away from us again.
It’s funny how the goals we set in everyday life aren’t as rigidly maintained as the goals we set for our business. Meeting Innovations has met or exceeded every target it has set in the last 10 years with the exception of one when the economy collapsed. We negotiate contracts on a daily basis, which protect our client’s interest, encompass their budgets and quite often we exceed their expectations.
As we grow in experience and our relationships flourish, unfortunately so has my waistline…OK, I have very little to complain about, but I think like most of us, I’m not feeling as young or as healthy as I’d like to. So this year my commitment to myself will be taken as seriously as my commitment to Meeting Innovations. We’ll continue this year with a little more salad, a little less dessert and a few more trips on the stairs and less on the elevator.
We strive all year long to tweak the business to do a little better, to provide a little more, nothing drastic but enough to keep it healthy. I think we should do the same for ourselves.